8 TV shows I love to watch:
1. The Office
2. Jon and Kate Plus 8
3. The Hills (Guilty Pleasure #1. Seriously, I feel like a tween)
4. Friends (DVD's)
5. That 70's Show (guilty pleasure #2)
6. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (For Kaden)
7. Sesame Street (For Kaden, I still sometimes like to watch it. Guilty pleasure #3)
8. I can't think of anything else.
8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Macaroni Grill
2. Cheesecake Factory
3. Cafe Rio
4. Paradise Cafe
5. Ruth's Chris Steakhouse (I have only been there once, but seriously the best steak ever)
6. Famous Dave's
7. Jambo Express (best Chinese food in Draper)
8. Kneaders (turkey sandwich is to die for)
8 Things that happened today
1. Woke up 7:30
2. Took the dogs out
3. Fed the dogs
4. Fell asleep again.
5. Watched Pride and Prejudice (Kiera Knightly version)
6. Made breakfast for Tarah
7. Watched Santa Clause 2
8. Now blogging :)
8 things that I look forward to:
1. Going back to school
2. Next weekend
3. Twilight coming out on DVD (Geek)
4. New Moon as a movie (double geek)
5. Spending time with family
6. Living in a new place
7. Payday
8. Checking email
8 Things on my wish list:
1. I am going to take Melissa's first ideas too. (Let's just assume I'm not super shallow and the first 5 choices will be things like peace in the world, a solution to the energy crisis, homes for the homeless, a cure for cancer, and a happy family. So now I can be a little more selfish.)
6. College Graduate
7. Travel Europe.
8. Contentment.
'Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life. Well, not small, but valuable. And sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave?' -You've Got Mail
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
5 Things
Here's more random stuff about me.
5 things I was doing ten years ago.
1 - Living at home.
2 - Teaching Primary in my home ward.
3 - Working for Safelite as a CSR.
4 - Sort of attending SLCC. (seriously like 1 class)
5 - Working on getting myself out of debt.
5 things on my to do list.
1 - Finish Christmas Shopping (2 people left)
2 - Start packing my things
3 - Clean Bathroom
4 - Vacuum
5 - Drink a Diet Coke :)
5 snacks I like
1 - Toast.
2 - Crackers
3 - English Toffee Nuts
4 - Apples
5 - Veggies with Dip
5 Things I would do if I were a millionaire
1 - Pay off debt
2 - Save
3 - Travel
4 - Travel
5 - Travel
5 Places I have lived
1 - Sandy
2 - West Jordan
3 - South Salt Lake (Home Sweet Ghetto)
4 - Kearns
5 - soon to be... West Jordan
5 Jobs I have had
1 - Babysitter
2 - Big B's
3 - Mervyn's
4 - Safelite Autoglass
5 - 1-800 CONTACTS
5 things I was doing ten years ago.
1 - Living at home.
2 - Teaching Primary in my home ward.
3 - Working for Safelite as a CSR.
4 - Sort of attending SLCC. (seriously like 1 class)
5 - Working on getting myself out of debt.
5 things on my to do list.
1 - Finish Christmas Shopping (2 people left)
2 - Start packing my things
3 - Clean Bathroom
4 - Vacuum
5 - Drink a Diet Coke :)
5 snacks I like
1 - Toast.
2 - Crackers
3 - English Toffee Nuts
4 - Apples
5 - Veggies with Dip
5 Things I would do if I were a millionaire
1 - Pay off debt
2 - Save
3 - Travel
4 - Travel
5 - Travel
5 Places I have lived
1 - Sandy
2 - West Jordan
3 - South Salt Lake (Home Sweet Ghetto)
4 - Kearns
5 - soon to be... West Jordan
5 Jobs I have had
1 - Babysitter
2 - Big B's
3 - Mervyn's
4 - Safelite Autoglass
5 - 1-800 CONTACTS
Thursday, November 27, 2008
As I am reflecting on this past year, I have much to be thankful for. I tried to make a list, but I kept getting side tracked, so I will go from the heart.
I am thankful for family and friends that love me as I love them. A job, so that I may have a car to drive, put food on the table and a roof over my head. The gospel in my life and a testimony and knowing I am a Child of God.
To everyone I know and love, Happy Thanksgiving.
I am thankful for family and friends that love me as I love them. A job, so that I may have a car to drive, put food on the table and a roof over my head. The gospel in my life and a testimony and knowing I am a Child of God.
To everyone I know and love, Happy Thanksgiving.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Bobina's Quirks
I was tagged by Janessa.
Here are the rules:
* Link the person who tagged you.
* Mention rules on your blog.
* Tell about 6 quirks of yours.
* Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same.
* Leave a comment to let them know
My Quirks:
1. I am VERY picky about my Diet Coke. I would prefer a fountain diet coke over a 2 liter or can. I can handle those, but seriously, to me, fountain is better. I will only go to certain places to get a fountain drink. Sonic is #1 (crushed ice with fresh lime), Holiday Oil (in Draper or West Jordan) and then Wendy's. I have limited myself to 32 ounces a day (believe me you don't want to know where it used to be). Hope to cut down more. (Yes, I did just say that)
2. Cotton Balls or Cotton Swabs. Let's just say hee bee jee bees. I cannot stand touching them dry. I pick up the cotton ball by my finger nails or tweezers and then place it on the counter and will soak a cotton ball before using it, whether that be with astringent or polish remover. Cotton swabs will be wet by the bathroom faucet before being placed inside my ear. (I am getting the chills as I am typing this)
3. I ALWAYS were socks to bed. Grant it they are usually off by morning, but they are placed back on the feet before getting out of bed. Bare feet on carpet gives me the heebs.
4. I am anal retentive. (the attached picture is off a SNL skit.) Well, not about my room mind you, but about certain things. Photos, crafts, projects at work etc. If it doesn't look right I will completely start over.
5. Ever since the 2nd grade I have been obsessed with the weather. I will always watch or look up the 5 day forecast.
6. I hate being the passenger in a car. I am a very bad back or side seat driver. I try to work on it I do, but I can't help it. Ask my sister about California. :)
I tag: If you are reading this I tag you, unless you don't feel up to it. :)
Here are the rules:
* Link the person who tagged you.
* Mention rules on your blog.
* Tell about 6 quirks of yours.
* Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same.
* Leave a comment to let them know
My Quirks:
I tag: If you are reading this I tag you, unless you don't feel up to it. :)
Monday, November 24, 2008
Twilight - The Movie
Ok I know I am not a movie critic, but I am going to give my 2 cents any way. I saw it twice on Friday. Friday in the afternoon with Rachel & her sister Katie and then again with my sisters and mom that evening. I caught more the 2nd time I watched it. I will most likely see it again with my niece.
I really liked the movie. A lot. I loved the scenery, the music and some of the "puns" they had, like the 'italiano' dinner they were making (was that in the book?) and the graduation caps etc. I really liked the baseball scene. That is probably because of the song that was playing.
It wasn't the book, (but seriously what book made into a movie is?) and I accepted the fact that Emmett wasn't Edward (Emmett was more of what my Edward looked like just with a bit longer hair and not so home boy-ish). But I thought they followed the story line pretty well. Now, some of the special effects meaning the "dazzling" part, I thought was a bit under done, and wasn't what I pictured at all.... but what can you do? I know they didn't have the budget to do more like they wanted to (nerd alert.. I did a bit of research), but with what they had I thought it was done pretty well. I have heard several people that have not liked it, and that is ok, I am not going to scream back ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
I just read the announcement that they are going to continue with New Moon. I am excited, although this wasn't my favorite book. No Emmett, I mean Edward. :)
Sunday, November 23, 2008

I am back and I have to say it is good yet sad to be home. Many memories were made this trip. We left 35 degree weather and arrived to 80 degree weather with a slight breeze. It was heaven. The weather was perfect all week long.
We arrived pretty early in the morning and feared we would have to lug our suitcases around until the 3:00 check in time. Much to our amazement we were able to check in early! Hurray!
After relaxing and doing a bit of shopping, we headed to the beach. It was beautiful! I seriously could live there. It was nice to be able to hear the sounds of the waves and rub my feet in the sand. It was so relaxing.
(Just as an FYI, because we heard about it non stop from my dad. This isn't cloud cover, it is smoke from the fires that were happening while we were there).
That night we had yummy Mexican food that we randomly picked off the GPS. Ok this is one thing I would HIGHLY recommend. Get a GPS. This was a life saver for us. Type in an address or the name of a place you are looking for. Bing it gives you a list of suggestions or plans the route for you and when to turn.
The next 3 days were spent at Disneyland. Disneyland was just as I remembered and to sum it all up in one word. Magical. I was so excited to see it decorated for Christmas. There is something about this place that you enter and you immediately smile, despite the fact that you are getting hit in the ankles with strollers.
The next 3 days were spent at Disneyland. Disneyland was just as I remembered and to sum it all up in one word. Magical. I was so excited to see it decorated for Christmas. There is something about this place that you enter and you immediately smile, despite the fact that you are getting hit in the ankles with strollers.
We were greeted with a line of characters and our first stop was Mickey. Snap a photo is taken and then a red light starts to blink. BAH.. I forgot to charge my camera battery. Bugger. So our first day there I wasn't able to capture much. But I will post what I do have from all 3 days.

After waiting in line for over 2 1/2 hours, my niece was able to meet ALL of the Princesses and get their autographs. I can hear your voices saying 2 1/2 hours are you kidding me?! Well here is the kicker. Each Princess rotates every 15 minutes. So when it is your turn in line again, there is 2 princesses that you have already met along with 1 new one. I am not upset that they rotate. Good word if I had to be in a get up like that I would want to rest every 15 minutes too.
I would highly recommend going to Disneyland OFF season. Grant it they do close earlier and you are taking kids out of school, but it is cheaper hotel wise, and the lines.. seriously the longest we waited in line for a ride was 20 minutes and that was for Toy Story, which was a new ride introduced this year. Most of the rides we were able to get directly onto the ride and sometimes ride it twice. We were able to ride almost every ride in the park our first day there.
During this trip I am not as young as I thought I was. Riding Big Thunder Mountain Railroad twice in a row did a doozy on me. I am still dizzy.
I will always remember the smiles, laughter, and excitement in faces, getting teary eyed while watching Fantasmic and my niece asking me 100 questions about what each ride entails. The churros, the ice cream (mmm get the strawberry from Gibson Girl Ice Cream Parlor to die for), dole whip float, the apple of the month (chocolate dipped with peanut butter drizzle), and the kettle corn.
We were very tired and our feet were killing us by the end of each day but it was totally worth it.
This trip was a memorable one. I am looking forward to next year.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Beach and Sun here we come!
I am headed to the great state of California! Can't wait to put my feet in the sand and get my Mickey Mouse Balloon that I so wanted when I was 6. (see below)

Keep your phones close by, because you know I am going to be texting and sending pictures of any great and wonderful people watching that I come across. Sunglasses check, Diet coke check.
See you in a week!
Keep your phones close by, because you know I am going to be texting and sending pictures of any great and wonderful people watching that I come across. Sunglasses check, Diet coke check.
See you in a week!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
*Tuh* It's dead to me
I love the snow... I just don't like driving it, or around people that don't know how to drive in it. I fear for my life when Mr or Ms 4x4 feel that just because they have four wheel drive they can go 90 miles an hour and weave in and out of traffic.
My cute friend Melanie left me a nice bottle of chilled Diet Coke at my desk this morning. After prying my cold, dead, white knuckled fingers off my steering wheel, I either needed a cigarette or a Diet Coke. Glad to see a Diet Coke sitting at my desk this morning. Stupid sexy snow.
My cute friend Melanie left me a nice bottle of chilled Diet Coke at my desk this morning. After prying my cold, dead, white knuckled fingers off my steering wheel, I either needed a cigarette or a Diet Coke. Glad to see a Diet Coke sitting at my desk this morning. Stupid sexy snow.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Merry Thanksgiving?
For those of you who may not listen to the radio all that often. If you need your Christmas fix there is a local radio station that is playing nothing but Christmas music. Don't get me wrong I love Christmas music, but not the day after Halloween.
What ever happened to Thanksgiving?
What ever happened to Thanksgiving?
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