As many of you know, I am a
TWERD. With that said... My niece and I went to the midnight release party of the Twilight DVD.
I checked Stephenie Meyers website and found out that an actor or actress from the movie would be at one location within the city. We had the choices of a couple Blockbusters, FYE, Hot Topic and a Wal-Mart in Riverton. I thought for sure the actor or actress would be at Hot Topic. So we chose the Wal-Mart. Why Wal-Mart you ask?! Well, I really didn't want to be in a crowded, squealy, getting pushed around place.
We arrived around 10:00 pm as that was when most of the festivities were going to start. As we pull up to the store I notice camera crews outside and immediately thought... no way. We walk into the store and the place is PACKED. They started pushing people behind the registers and putting up shopping cart rows so people wouldn't push past. Great.. we are now even more packed in. I go into panic mode and the immediate thought I had was get the hell out of there. So I grab my niece and we start weaving in and out of the crowd, to the front of the store. Then... high pitched.. my ears are still ringing... screams from the crowd. I see a flash of curly hair and realize it is Rachelle Lefevre, she plays Victoria in the movie. With the amount of people there, we didn't think we would be able to get a copy of the DVD so we ended up leaving and going to a different location.
This is what we got.

Can you see her? Yeah, we couldn't either.

We ended up at a different
Wal-Mart where the line was at the front of the store by the registers and ended, well when we go there, at Automotive. The people watching was fantastic. There was a count down like at New Years and then midnight hits.. squeals again. We didn't have to wait in line too long.

By 12:15 Bean had her DVD and we were on our way home to get some sleep. I know can you believe it?!?! We didn't watch the movie. That is another post. ;)