Why am I cheering?! It's just another post.. I guess this is an accomplishment or something. Can't think of something SPECTACULAR to do.. so I will just do a re-post of my 100 Things About Me that I did at the beginning of my blog. (I have updated some things though)
1- I love and cherish my family.
2- I am a twin. (Brother, no we are not identical. Yes, I have been asked that before.)
3- I am addicted to Facebook.
4- Fall is my favorite time of year.
5- I love naps.
6- Stupid people annoy me.
7- I can quote a movie, Friends or The Office, in any conversation.
8- I always have my camera with me.
9- The iPod is the best invention ever.
10- I have a photographic memory. (but with my old age, it is slightly failing).
11- I have not read the Harry Potter books.
12- S'mores are good. (hee hee)
13- I drove across the US with a friend and her new car in 3 days.
14- on that note... I think Kansas is a really boring state.
15- My room is always a mess.
16- No one cries alone in my presence.
17- I am addicted to Diet Coke. (although I CAN say I quit for 30 days)
18- I love soft serve twist ice cream.
19- I am terrified of the dentist.
20- I love cherry lemonade from Hot Dog on a Stick. (a must get while at the mall)
21- I am allergic to gold.
22- I listen to Christmas music year round.
23- My friends are very dear to me.
24- I love to people watch.
25- I enjoy hugs and kisses from my nephew and nieces.
26- I do not like being hot, hence fall being my favorite time of year.
27- I've been to the Utah Shakespearean Festival. (what happened to his arm?)
28- I enjoy all types of music (except for rap.. hip hop is NOT rap.)
29- I do not enjoy horror movies.
30- I don't know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop.
31- I love the smell of rain.
32- I am an extremely shy person, and come off as being a snob.
33- I am not a snob.
34- Popcorn, junior mints and a diet coke = the best movie treat.
35- Dry feet on carpet gives me the heebs.
36- I love romantic comedies.
37- I think Ralph Wiggum, off The Simpsons, is hilarious.
38- I don't like cheese off the block, unless it is on something. (ie crackers, pizza etc)
39- Cereal, to me, is a comfort food.
40- I love the smell of fabric softener.
41- I've never broken a bone. (knock on wood)
42- I panic when I don't know my surroundings.
43- I don't like being lost. (San Diego did a number on me, still after how many years?)
44- I love to see the Temple.
45- I like swedish fish, but only the red ones.
46- I don't like seafood, at all.
47- I love pebble ice.
48- I love the smell of the lake in the morning.
49- I am a HUGE Suzy's Zoo fan.
50- I want to see New York at Christmas.
51- I want to see New York in the fall.
52- I have 2 speeds, fast and faster.
53- I have never had a speeding ticket. (knock on wood)
54- I will drive slower to annoy tailgaters.
55- I love Les Miserables, London cast.
56- I love banana Slurpee's.
57- I am love music.
58- I dance when no one is watching.
59- I suggest, nacho cheese Doritos & cottage cheese, give it a whirl.
60- I want to visit all 50 states.
61- I don't like contention.
62- Mild salsa burns my tongue.
63- I have seen the Monkees in person and in concert.
64- Welcome Home is my favorite Salt City candle.
65- Pumpkin Spice is my 2nd favorite.
66- I was 20 when my hair turned completely gray.
67- I can't sleep with a light on.
68- I love peanut M&M's.
69- Almond & Mint are tied for 2nd.
70- I have an obsession with lip gloss from Bath & Body Works.
71- I think chocolate is the "cure-all".
72- I love pedicures.
73- The feel of cotton balls gives me the chills.
74- I have to wet cotton swabs before putting them in my ears.
75- I have a fear of dying alone.
76- I have a 2 watch rule. I will watch a movie twice before saying I hated it.
77- I want to travel Europe.
78- I should take a class on organization.
79- I am a pack rat.
80- I had a crush on Greg Louganis. (skipped school to see him at Trolley Square)
81- I am a High School Musical fan. (so?!)
82- A sunset can make me cry. (See, I am called Tissue Tina for a reason.)
83- I can make a mean homemade oreo.
84- I sometimes think WAY too much.
85- I like to travel.
86- I love to get lost in a book.
87- I still get excited Christmas morning.
88- I dislike the sound and feel of Styrofoam.
89- I love daisies.
90- I watch 'A Christmas Story' every Christmas Eve.
91- I gave a girl in elementary school a bloody nose for telling a boy I liked him.
92- I love Jack Handey quotes. (Laurie got offended when I used the word puke. But to me that is what her dinner tasted like).
93- I miss my grandpa's & grandma.
94- I am a perfectionist. If it doesn't look right, I will re-do the entire thing. (my room is the exception to this.
95- I am a very competitive person and hate to lose.
96- I have too many favorite movies to pick 1 favorite.
97- I love dipping my fries in ice cream, preferably a frosty.
98- I believe in Santa Claus
99- I am a child of God.
100- and last but not least... I am grateful to have the gospel in my life.
'Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life. Well, not small, but valuable. And sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave?' -You've Got Mail
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
In the words of...
Stephanie Tanner:
Do people NOT realize there are un-written rules in driving?
Here is an example of what I experienced today.
I was leaving a parking lot and wanting to turn left but traffic is backed up. What is the unspoken "rule"? You leave enough space where the driver is TRYING to turn left so they can. Am I correct or incorrect? Kind of like the un-written rule in the Sonic Drive In. If there are more than 2 empty stalls Ya don't park next to car when there is an open space between them. You take the next stall. Car, empty stall, car.
Is it that hard? My sources (although not always correct) say YA MAKE ROOM! Did this happen today? Oh no. So had the opportunity to sit there whilst the moron NOT making room didn't make eye contact with me. Yes, I do that too if I have done something incorrectly.. but eww.. the daggers I was sending her way. :)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Please explain
Because I SERIOUSLY do not get this 'guys wearing skinny jeans' thing.

I have this running through my head right now of what I would like to say to "the kids these days".
"Hi, you're a guy, could your jeans BE any tighter?"
"If your pants will not and do not go over your backside region.. I think it is best NOT to wear them. I really don't care to see the color of your underwear thanks".
Umm no, they don't.

I have this running through my head right now of what I would like to say to "the kids these days".
"Hi, you're a guy, could your jeans BE any tighter?"
"If your pants will not and do not go over your backside region.. I think it is best NOT to wear them. I really don't care to see the color of your underwear thanks".
Umm no, they don't.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Just for laughs with the iPod
Yet another Ipod moment. I received a CD a while back from a co-worker that has about a 8 minute schpill of nothing but Ralph Wiggum quotes. This came on a shuffle I was listening to the other day. Of course I tried to find some on the music thing that is on my blog.. but was only able to find a couple.. so here are a few quotes to enjoy as well as some pictures.
and with a flute up his nose...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Happy Birthday Bean!
It was my nieces birthday the other day. She is a teenager! I can hardly believe it.
We had a fun day of bowling, eating bowling alley fries, sweating in bowling shoes (I really shouldn't have thought or said that.. now I am kinda grossed out) were given a few pointers/comments from my dad about just how GREAT we did bowl (I bowled a 78 with a total score of 138 for both games. Just sayin') and then headed to my sisters for taco bar and birthday cake. It was a fun day!
Hmmm now if I take Grandpa's advice and curve the ball I could possibly get a strike.
Ahhh she was soo cuddly!!! (but she also didn't feel good.. but I will take what I can get)
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Stupid Brain
What is it about our brains that triggers a memory at the sight of something? I know.. I know.. "it's just how the mind works". I understand.. but with what happened the other day turned into reflecting on how EMBARRASSING I was "back in the day".
I pulled into the local parking lot of Target (curse you wonderful store). What do I see out of the corner of my eye?!?! A vehicle that one of my first crushes drove. After seeing the car, it first drove fear into heart, (holy moly could that be his car?!) which in turn made me turn a bright lovely shade of red from the memories of how I acted around him as well as ALL of the drive by's I did with my friends (which in this day could be known as stalking) and the realization/embarrassment that.... for the love.. like it really would still be his car.
As I collected my nerves and my fingers stopped shaking, I did my normal shopping but believe me.. I did look out the corner of my eye every now and then in hopes NOT to run into him (again.. this is circa 1991... like it REALLY would STILL be his car).
Curse you Ford Escort and brain. I am a moron.
I pulled into the local parking lot of Target (curse you wonderful store). What do I see out of the corner of my eye?!?! A vehicle that one of my first crushes drove. After seeing the car, it first drove fear into heart, (holy moly could that be his car?!) which in turn made me turn a bright lovely shade of red from the memories of how I acted around him as well as ALL of the drive by's I did with my friends (which in this day could be known as stalking) and the realization/embarrassment that.... for the love.. like it really would still be his car.
As I collected my nerves and my fingers stopped shaking, I did my normal shopping but believe me.. I did look out the corner of my eye every now and then in hopes NOT to run into him (again.. this is circa 1991... like it REALLY would STILL be his car).
Curse you Ford Escort and brain. I am a moron.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Heck outta dodge weekend

I have been feelin' the need.. the need to get outta the "valley" for the weekend. Luckily Tracie had an awesome idea to head up to her families cabin for the weekend.
As always, it was fabulous. Nothing planned other than chillin', watching movies and reading. It was so relaxing! I was able to start and finish the book club book. (Which was a pretty good read.)
Our first stop was to head into Kamas to do some grocery shopping. This is when I first noticed this business sign. Now this what I call one stop shopping. Haircut, facial, tanning AND rent a video? Sweeet. Personally love the speedo (ick).
When in Oakley you must, must, must stop at the Polar King. For the following artery clogging goodness. You know when your bag of food turns clear it is good stuff!!
We were, as always, sad to leave....
But the drive home was spectacular. I live in such a beautiful state!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Not my favorite thing...
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