My 4th of July was rather simple this year, as it has been the past couple of years, or so I thought....
I went to lunch, with my parents. They wanted Chinese food. Nothing says Happy 4th of July like Chinese food. (took a photo opp with my cell phone but not my camera.. bugger) ANY WHO.. then went to a movie with my mom and grandma. Saw The Proposal again. SO FUNNY!!!After that we headed to my aunt & uncles house to see the Murray Fireworks. (they have a really good view from their house). Little did we know what would "go down" in their neighborhood. Let me paint a little picture for you...
Begin scene:
Fireworks start... neighbors are all out in their front yards (they live in a cul-de-sac). Cop car pulls in with his lights off. Then leaves... (the neighbors were sweatin bullets because earlier they were lighting off some illegal fireworks). 5 minutes later Honda Civic comes around the corner along with a cop car with its full lights on. Civic pulls into the circle, cop car follows, civic turns around to leave the circle, cop, in car, yells STOP THE CAR, she proceeds to try and drive around the cop car. Cop gets out of car and yells again.. STOP THE CAR.. she stops. He then yells get out of the car.. get out of the car.. PULLS HIS GUN... (yes gun) yells at the neighbors 'everyone inside'. Do we move? (and miss all the action?! hheeeeck no!) Grant it this was happening behind us, so "techincally" he was telling the people behind us to go inside. He yells again.. out of the car! Girl complies, gets out of the car, he cuffs her and puts her in the back of the cop car. Meanwhile.. fireworks are still going off, we try and divert our attention back to the fireworks (RIIIGHT like we could do that) cop calls for back up. LONG story short. Fireworks end, find out the girl was involved with a hit and run and we think, there was an open container in her vehicle. End scene.
How is that for an end to an awesome 4th?! :)
On Sunday I celebrated with the family and had the traditional 4th of July BBQ feast.

Stacy brought Snaps and Sparklers for the kids

Baseball was played...

See-saw.. was.. umm see-sawed(?)

Ice cream was consumed...

and the night was ended with a trip around the backyard on the dolly.