She spent a lot of time with my nephew and I this summer. She was a tremendous help and I enjoyed having her stay with me. I will miss not seeing her as much as I did this summer.
'Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life. Well, not small, but valuable. And sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave?' -You've Got Mail
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
8th Grade?!?!
My cute niece started school today. In celebration of her starting a new year at school I told her she could choose any where she wanted to go for lunch. She chose The Cheesecake Factory.
She spent a lot of time with my nephew and I this summer. She was a tremendous help and I enjoyed having her stay with me. I will miss not seeing her as much as I did this summer.

She spent a lot of time with my nephew and I this summer. She was a tremendous help and I enjoyed having her stay with me. I will miss not seeing her as much as I did this summer.
Monday, August 24, 2009
To Disneyland and back in 43 hours?
Yes, it can be done. How you ask?! Well, you are in for a story.
Friday we (my mom, sister Kristin, niece Tarah and I along with 50 other people) loaded on Le Bus at 7:00 pm in Sandy.
(why hey-llo there drivers. I shall call you smooth driver and can't pick a speed driver)
The bus ride down was fun. We watched Disney movies & were treated to oatmeal chocolate chip & sugar cookies in the shape of Mickey Mouse.
(thank you Matt's mom, they were delicious! )
I didn't get much sleep on the ride down. My iPod died around Vegas,and we were asked to "de-bus" around 3am so the bus driver could refuel. BOO!
We arrived just outside of the pearly gates (yes, I heard angels singing) around 6:00am. Had breakfast and then headed towards the park.
The rest of the day was... a whirlwind and we were pretty much running on adrenaline. I saw throughout the day subtle reminders of what I had to get.
(I see you, bouquet of fun, in the distance)
(Holy vast sea of Strollers batman.. and yes I still see you, thanks for the reminder.)
(the cast member noticed that I was trying to take a picture of you and posed for the camera.. little did he know.. I wanted a picture just of you.. and not him..that was nice of him to stop anyway)
I should know by now to ALWAYS have my camera out and ready to take pictures, because the people watching was, yet again, spectacular. So you will just have to take my word for what I saw. My most favorite of favorites was the entire family (seriously there were 10 of them) all dressed in neon green mickey mouse shirts and every single one of them were eating one of the giant dill pickles you buy there. Of course my camera was still in my backpack.. darn it I wished I would have noticed them sooner.
We partook of churros because.. hurlo! That is a MUST have while there!
We were able to ride the 2 rides that we missed when we went last year as well as a few others. We watched the parade and had awesome view, thanks to my mom, (3rd row in dead center of the Castle booya!), to watch the fireworks. To which I cried whilst viewing them. Misha my friend, you were right... amazing!
Part 1 of cry-fest
Part 2 of cry-fest
We ended the night with a bit of shopping.. I got my balloon (YAY!!) and had wonderful ice cream.
(Me.. after a loooong, fun and exhausting day!)
The drive home....

(See the balloons? That is where I was passed out!)
I will just say, I remember putting in my earplugs and taking some Advil pm, that is about it. Wait, I do remember getting off the bus to use the restroom at one of our stops.. I don't remember anything after that. We left around 12:30am early Sunday morning and arrived back in Sandy just after 1:00 pm.
A HUGE thank you to both Matt's for putting this trip together. I (as well as my family) had an incredible time!!!
(more pictures will be added later.. my sister has pictures that I want to use also.. so check back!)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Aquarium--aka Stink Eye...
I took my niece and nephew to the Aquarium today.
We, looked at some Jellyfish..
I thought this was a rock.. and then it moved.. and I may or may not have yelped. (and by may not have yelped I mean I did.)
Tried to touch the Stingrays
were creeped out by a hairy spider.
Awwwed at the cute Seahorses..
and I gave the stink eye to some 'plastics'. (click on the word for an explanation)
These ladies were beyond rude. I am not going to label them with what they looked like or how they acted or what city they "possibly" live in.. because you probably already know the type I am talking about. Let's just say there were groups of them EVERYWHERE. They had staked out their claim in the aquarium. Let their children push in front of others, run wild and had NO concept of wait your turn. They protected themselves in their cackly, wagon circle of strollers. Ok you will probably say I am just as bad for speaking ill of them here. My reply.. Meh.
The important thing is.. my niece and nephew had fun. I am having my fun now making fun of the them. So take that Escalade* driving plastics.
*If you are reading this and own an Escalade I am not calling you a plastic but if you were at the aquarium today and driving one I AM!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
It's the Thought that Counts..
I had walked in from a work meeting and the house smelled like something had burned. My niece then told me she made breakfast this morning and saved me some.
It's a pancake.
It's a pancake.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Sinasor Park
We finally made it up to the Dinosaur Park. It's a cute little place for kids to explore and for parents (or aunts) to allow their kids/niece & nephew to explore while they get caught up with each others lives!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Can I get an Amen?!
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