I know I can hear the groans now of "It ruined my vacation!!" or "It is still summer".
My response: Heaven.
As I was driving to work this morning, (YES... I had to work, so for those of you who didn't and had the day off... at least let me have some joy in the weather.) No, I wasn't singing 'Rainy days and Monday's always get me dooooowwwnnn' OH NO! I was actually excited.
I love waking up with a cold nose from the crisp air. So guess what is "just around the corner". Yes, hot chocolate, blanket, Christmas movie and pumpkin spice candle.
One reason why I would love to live on a tree line street. I would pay someone to rake up the leaves... into a big giant pile for me to JUMP IN!!! :)
Let's hear it for 70 degrees! I left my window open all night. I woke up a couple of times and had to pull the blanket around me, but it was worth every second.
Amen girl! I was so excited about the prospect of opening the windows and letting the fresh air in! ( had to wait until it was cool enough that Tyler wouldn't go into cardiac arrest that I was letting all the cold air out) Anyway, here's to all the fun fall activities!
I love this weather!!! I sit around all summer just waiting for the fall weather to finally come around. Let's find a pile of leaves to jump in together. Although, the only leaves at work are in the conference room and I don't think the lady from the plant place will be very happy about that.
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