Last day (tear). I love receiving hand made notes from my cute nephew and nieces! As some of you may know my birthday was a few days ago and I received cute handmade cards from my nieces. This always brings a smile to my face when I receive fun notes from them! Bean is always so sweet to leave notes here and there and when I find them they bring a smile and tears!
'Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life. Well, not small, but valuable. And sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave?' -You've Got Mail
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Day 31 - Handmade notes
Last day (tear). I love receiving hand made notes from my cute nephew and nieces! As some of you may know my birthday was a few days ago and I received cute handmade cards from my nieces. This always brings a smile to my face when I receive fun notes from them! Bean is always so sweet to leave notes here and there and when I find them they bring a smile and tears!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Day 30 - Friends
This, along with my family post, will be short and sweet.. but hopefully to the point..
Day 29 - Photography
It is true what the quote says, 'A picture is worth 1,000 words'.
I love looking and taking pictures. I usually will take myself away from people watching at the fair and spend at least a couple of hours in the Photography section.

I LOVE Ansel Adams work. The way he is able to capture a picture, to me, is breath taking. My grandma has a picture of his that I have always loved.
Can't you just picture yourself, sitting on a ledge, looking out at this? (hmm maybe just me then)

Goal of mine is to take a couple classes and get a really nice camera. But for now, my point and shoot will have to do.
I love looking and taking pictures. I usually will take myself away from people watching at the fair and spend at least a couple of hours in the Photography section.

I LOVE Ansel Adams work. The way he is able to capture a picture, to me, is breath taking. My grandma has a picture of his that I have always loved.
Can't you just picture yourself, sitting on a ledge, looking out at this? (hmm maybe just me then)
Goal of mine is to take a couple classes and get a really nice camera. But for now, my point and shoot will have to do.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Day 28 - Books!
Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. ~Charles W. Eliot
Now I don't have a picture of my current bookcase (partly because it is STILL not put together and I still have books in boxes).
I love a good book. I have a lot of favorites so I am not going to pin point it to certain type. But I love getting lost in a book. If I like the book or series, I will read them over and over.
I would love to have a library in my house one day. If you have any suggestions on any good reads.. PLEASE send them my way!
Now I don't have a picture of my current bookcase (partly because it is STILL not put together and I still have books in boxes).
I love a good book. I have a lot of favorites so I am not going to pin point it to certain type. But I love getting lost in a book. If I like the book or series, I will read them over and over.
I would love to have a library in my house one day. If you have any suggestions on any good reads.. PLEASE send them my way!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Day 27 - Technology
Everyone together now in their best Kip voice. "I love technology".
Seriously where would we be these days without it. Probably still popping popcorn over an open flame, reading books (which I do love), mailing letters via pony express, and walking to school.. up hill, both ways. (can you tell I watched Little House on the Prairie today?!)
Technology that I love:
My cell phone... seriously I will turn back and get it if I have left it at home.
My computer... this is a recent purchase, which I love. I am still trying to figure some things out on this.. but it was a great purchase!
My camera... if you know me... you know that I will always have my camera on me.
Remember the days where you took a picture, send the film off, got it back a week later and then crossed your fingers that you didn't blink, that everyone was looking at the camera, and the pictures weren't going to be blurry. Now days you can look at the photo you immediately took as well as crop yourself out of them if you don't like it. Ba-da-bing..
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Day 26 - Music
What can I say... I love, for the most part, all types of music. Music touches my heart, and makes want to shake my groove thing. Music stirs emotions while watching a movie.
Music also brings back memories. Blackhawk will always remind me of my first girls trip to California (But I sure can smell the rain). Simon and Garfunkel reminds me of Sorority Days (Cecilia.. your breakin my heart!). John Denver will forever remind me of my dad and camping. (Sunshine.. on my shoulder.. makes me happy!)The Monkees reminds me of junior high (circa 87 not 67.. I am not that old!) and my best friend Melanie (still have the Monkees Forever necklace!) (here we come... walkin' down the street).
There is nothing better than putting your Ipod on shuffle and getting a good mix of songs going. I could be listening to Rhianna at one moment and then next song could possibly be John Denver. Both equally as good. (In my opinion)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Day 25 - Target
I love the bullet boutique! Or as others call it Tarjey!
This store has some pretty cute and reasonably priced stuff! It doesn't help that there is one so close to my home. I can't ever say, oh I am just going to Target to see what they have.. OH NO... I end up purchasing something if not many things!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Day 24 - Hair
I had a roommate where we both loved our hair to be played* with. We would put on a movie and take turns playing with each others hair. It is so relaxing!
Now that she is married, and lives in Idaho (well almost), I think I have found a replacement.

(*Future husband, if you are reading this please take a mental note of this post. Just sayin')
Now that she is married, and lives in Idaho (well almost), I think I have found a replacement.
(*Future husband, if you are reading this please take a mental note of this post. Just sayin')
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Day 23 - People Watching
There is nothing more entertaining then sitting on a bench, beverage in hand, sunglasses, sometimes a camera and being entertained for HOURS.
I have noticed the best places by far have been:
Your local state or county Fair.

I have noticed the best places by far have been:
Your local state or county Fair.
Demolition Derby (which can also be viewed at your local county or state fair!)
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Day 20 - Pedicures!
Ok so some of you may know that in the past I did not like feet...touching feet having my feet touch.. AT ALL... until I went and got a pedicure a while back for a trip. After I received a pedicure... oh my gosh! It was the best thing ever! I know get one at least once a month in the summer season. Because flip-flops equals dry scaly, me getting the heebee geebees , feet!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Day 19 - It's a tie
I seriously couldn't decide so I decided to post all 3 since I love all of them equally the same.
Shaved Ice - (No not snow cones (they hurt my teeth!))
Peach or Tiger's blood please! I just need to remember to keep cash on me (seriously these days it is so hard to do!)
Slurpees -
-Oh thank heaven for you 7-11.
Banana or Blue Raspberry thanks!
Jamba Juice
It's all about the Peach Pleasure or Strawberry Wild. (nom, nom, nom!)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Day 18 - My House!
Ok so I have been promising house pictures for how long now?! I love where I live. It is so quiet (well other than the construction work that starts at 7:30 AM) I have never owned a home before so it was quite the adventure and at times stressful.
I love the comforts of home. My sister has done an incredible job in the decorating department.
Every place I have lived I haven't really decorated so this is going to take some time for me to do. My room still needs work, but it is getting there. VERY slowly!

The "veranda"
I love the comforts of home. My sister has done an incredible job in the decorating department.
Every place I have lived I haven't really decorated so this is going to take some time for me to do. My room still needs work, but it is getting there. VERY slowly!
The "veranda"
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Day 17 - Movies

I love my movie collection. Growing up, I loved musicals (still do). Grease was my all time favorite and that moved to Grease 2 & Xanadu. I remember the first time watching the non-edited (growing up I had the taped off the TV version) of Grease for the first time (holy moly that was an eye opener!)
Some of the movies I have seen so many times that I put them on for background noise. Which usually turns into me watching the movie anyway.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Day 15 - Magazines
Hello, my name is Tina and I am a magazine junkie. Everyone together now.... "Hello Tina". I love my celebrity gossip magazines. I know this is probably a horrible thing to admit... but I do. I mean where else can I find out if Brad Pitt is going to be getting groceries at the local supermarket wearing a mis-matched outfit, but only has 2 out of the 12 kids they own. (Heaven for bid!) I am sure the people featured in these would love to see a day in the life of Tina. Oh look, she eats cereal. NO WAY! So do I!! YAY I am just like Tina! or.... not.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Day 14 - Chips-n-Salsa
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Day 13 - Suzy's Zoo
I have liked.. no make that LOVED, Suzy's Zoo since I was in elementary school. I think these characters are just so cute and they bring a smile to my face! The words.. ooohhhh sooo cuuuute usually pops in my head and yes, sometimes is said out-loud (say it... out loud.. say it... vamp... Suzy's Zoo) when I see them.
I know most of you have received some type of note or card, whether that be birthday or most likely Christmas or something written on a post-it note. I get a calendar every year.. so each month I can say.. ooooohhh cuuuuuutte!
I hear you can take a tour of their building in San Diego. Hmmmm I think I need to add that to my Bucket List.
Day 12 Woops I missed a day!
So you get 2 posts in 1 day. How lucky are you?!

I have only been introduced to this wonderful store within the past few years... can I just say LOVE IT. I am not much of a make-up wearer as I think I should be. I was first introduced when I went to New York. I was more interested in people watching than shopping for make-up. Then going to Vegas and becoming more familiar with the place, I have grown to love it. It is so fun every now and then to get a make over with friends.
We don't have one in our great state YET, but I am crossing my fingers we get one soon. Wait.. then why would I have a reason to go to Vegas? I really only went for Cheesecake Factory & Sephora oh and let's not forget the Fountains. Now that Cheesecake has made an appearance...there is only 1 reason why I should hit Vegas. I just heard they have opened a Serendipity in Vegas... ok another reason why to go!
I have only been introduced to this wonderful store within the past few years... can I just say LOVE IT. I am not much of a make-up wearer as I think I should be. I was first introduced when I went to New York. I was more interested in people watching than shopping for make-up. Then going to Vegas and becoming more familiar with the place, I have grown to love it. It is so fun every now and then to get a make over with friends.
We don't have one in our great state YET, but I am crossing my fingers we get one soon. Wait.. then why would I have a reason to go to Vegas? I really only went for Cheesecake Factory & Sephora oh and let's not forget the Fountains. Now that Cheesecake has made an appearance...there is only 1 reason why I should hit Vegas. I just heard they have opened a Serendipity in Vegas... ok another reason why to go!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Day 11 - Pizza
Did someone say pizza?! Yes, please!!!! Pizza brings back many memories. Peter Piper Pizza anyone?
Pizza reminds me of going to dinner as a family or bringing pizza home to watch movies (on our suitcase size VCR and video rental from Sounds Easy) and vacations! You can't beat a slice of pizza and a diet coke in New York!
I am very particular about what is on my pizza. No shrooms, no peppers and no onions. If it is on there, I won't complain, so long as you don't complain that there is a pile of that stuff on the side of my plate.
Ummm ok seriously?!?!!
This looks delicious!!!!!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Day 9 - I Love to Wander...
(everyone together now...) to wander in the "mountains"... so early in the morn!

I love the Mountains! It makes Utah well Utah. I love that we have (well ok usually have) 4 seasons.
Winter, the mountains are covered in snow which makes for a magical winter wonderland. I wish I could say I LOVE SKIING.. but, I have never been skiing before in my life. I know... a native Utahn who has never skied nor snowboarded. I will say I tried once.. but on our drive up to Brighton the snow was so bad that we had to turn around and drive home. I think that was sign for me. I especially love it when the snow stays up there and not down in the valley whilst I am driving to work.
Spring is also nice because you can drive up the canyons with the windows down and drink in the wondrous smells.
Summer, (now I haven't camped in a while), but camping or the same, heading up the canyon for a drive or to a picnic place for roasted mallows. (smores were good)
The colors come fall are breath taking. The mountains are covered in beautiful shades of red, orange and yellow.
So... from the valley forge, to the green lake shores... past the robins nest.. climb the lofty mountains.. OH WHO COULD ASK FOR MORE?!?!?!?!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Day 8 - Can you guess?
I bet some of you are surprised it took me 8 days to post about this. :)
Yes, I am obsessed (not I want to carve your name in my arm obsessed). I totally love these books.
What can I say... Edward... is the man. Fictional character yes, but reading these books made a crusty girls heart beat again.
Did I go to midnight release for the final book AND the Twilight DVD? YES. But I will say, there were adult woman at both (some of them worse than the teenagers), so I didn't feel TOO loser-ish.
It is nice to know I am not the only one out there with the twerd-ness factor.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Day 7 - Iceberg Shakes
Need I say more?!
Well, I will anyway. Yes folks, this is a MINI shake. Can't even imagine what the other size would be. Ice cream, at times, can be the cure-all.
Seeing and partaking of this delicious goodness reminds me of my first job at Big B's. Wow, that was forever ago. I think it is a Chinese Take Out place now. Craziness.

Well, I will anyway. Yes folks, this is a MINI shake. Can't even imagine what the other size would be. Ice cream, at times, can be the cure-all.
Seeing and partaking of this delicious goodness reminds me of my first job at Big B's. Wow, that was forever ago. I think it is a Chinese Take Out place now. Craziness.
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