Biggest Loser. I LOVE. Helps me stay motivated in seeing how much they have changed. Do I think the amount they have lost in such a short amount of time, will happen to me also? No, but as I stated before this show helps me stay motivated. Kristin by far, has been my favorite. Although the Matt & Suzy relationship I thought was cute. Look at me, I talking like we are all on a first name basis. *sigh* oh well.
Real Housewives series on Bravo
SERIOUSLY this I LOVE. Call me shallow.. I don't care.. this is probably the best train wrecks (besides Celebrity Rehab (yes more guilty pleasures just revealed) I have ever watched.. Oh you better believe I am going to watch what happens next Bravo!
I cried when Kristin was voted off. I totally related to her. I cried last night when Ron finished the marathon -- even though his "Godfather" move ended up being the reason Kristin left. I also love Bernie (from last season?). He was too funny.
Okay -- Real Housewives are Unreal! The Countess is out of control. I do not understand how these women are friends, but I agree, best train wreck on TV.
I also love these May blogs. I have been checking in each day, but I've been so darn busy -- leave it to reality TV for me to make a comment. ... BTW are you still up for American Fork Idol? I haven't called about times, but I'll will if you're still game. Talk to you soon.
Reality TV nerd... Sniff.. I'm hooked on The Biggest Loser too though. You're right about the motivation. They're truly inspiring and I can't wait for next week. I'm thinking of hosting my own loser party.... Sniff...
I too cried when Ron finished the marathon - despite his "Godfatherliness". I am still mad Helen is still around - because she sent her daughter home TWICE. It was her turn to go home!
I TOTALLY related with Kristin also. Can't wait for the finale. I also cried when Ron (ahhhhh the Godfaaaaaathhher) finished the marathon. I am totally game for American Fork Idol!! Let me know when etc!
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