Yes, the day, or I should say night, had finally arrived! The book, I have been waiting months for, (grant it my wait time has been shorter than others) IS HERE! After a fun night of book shopping (Tracie and I came across some pretty interesting reads), people watching, teenage dodging, pancake eating, standing in line for someone to bark at us for not being in line, getting the book, stopping for some caffiene, driving home and reading it until 4 am. Yes, AM. To wake up around 9:30 and start reading again. I haven't finished as of yet. The book, so far, is really good and very suprising in some areas. I will not post anything about it so I don't ruin or spoil the book for those who haven't read it yet. But I will post pictures from that night. Thanks girls! It was a fun night!!
What fun. Okay, the first section of the book was a little hot and steamy...blush, blush, blush, but yeah! I was thrown by the revelation that occurred before Jacob's section began. Never would have guessed that little twist but now that I'm done it was a nice way to resolve a conflict. All in all I'm happy with the ending and I'm ready to start the countdown to the movie. What about you?
That was a fun night, Tina! I could use another stuffed french toast goodness right about now...
I am SO EXCITED for the movie! I think we should do another girls night and go see it!!
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