Saturday, July 11, 2009


OK most of you know my love of music. I wanted to confess and say that I never really listen to the full song. I usually listen to either half of the song or three-quarters of the song (well unless it is U2, because COME ON.. you can't cut off U2.. unless it is any song on POP, OK other than Discotheque.. boom shaka laka).

Just wanted to ask..... Am I normal and not the only one that does this?

Just curious.


Tracie Jo said...

I do it all the time. I think that is very normal. The only time that I really listen to the full song is if I have passengers in the car with me. I don't need to listen to the whole song to get my fix!

Stacy said...

I'm not saying that you're not normal, but I don't do that. I always listen to a song in its entirety unless I think it sucks.

Janessa said...

Hmmm. Good question. I think it depends. I'm much more likely to skip ahead if I'm listening to something alone. However, if the song is dragging on. (Hey, the 70's called... they want the extra 4 minutes of their song back!) I do hate it when the song just starts and you're totally singing to it, and someone changes the station. BOO!

Mel said...

I seem to have such ADD in the car that I'm always flipping the songs back and forth. Or worse find yourself singing along to a song you hate and don't even realize it. Hmm...I either listen too long, or not long enough. I've got problems. Or, Mark will say I'm talking way too much to even listen to the song. He says that like it's a problem...haha

Tina said...

Ok whew.. good to know I am not the only one out there that does this.
Tracie- Whew! Someone else does it too!
Sister- yes I agree.. if it sucks..CHANGE IT.
Janessa- TOTAL BOO when people change the channel on a good song.
Mel- I wouldn't say you have ADD.. we're normal. It's all good.