Thursday, March 18, 2010

New Attitude...

I need to change my attitude.. 
towards a lot of things.. 
so I will sing this.. 
and hope that the Solid Gold dancers 
will help keep my motivation.. 
(oo oo ooo oooooo)

Is it just me or does Patty's hair look like this?!


Stacy said...

I LOVED Solid Gold back in the day. I was a nerd.

Hopefully a new attitude will make you feel better. Let me know what I can do.

Janessa said...

I can't stop laughing at the comparison picture!!! Sometimes a new attitude is just what fixes things. I like to look at it as having a new perspective or approaching things from a different angle since the 'tude' tends to always make me think I was wrong. Anyway. Good luck with your Solid Gold dancers and let me know if there's anything I can do... Oh. And I'm so buying you some Aqua Net hairspray so you can do your hair like that!!!