Saturday, July 26, 2008


How fun my first tag. Unlike freeze tag, I do not have to remain frozen until tagged again..

1. Spending time with nieces and nephew.
2. Seeing my nephew's smiling face every morning.
3. Romantic comedies.

1. Spiders (my sister hears, as well as the houses 2 streets over, my yelp after finding a spider in my room, bathroom.. or perhaps pant pocket EEEK!!!)
2. Snakes
3. Not being ready for a natural disaster (if ye are prepared ye shall not fear.. umm better get crackin!!)

1. Starting school again.
2. Travel Europe
3. See the birth place of my grandparents.

1. Anything Suzy Zoo
2. Reality TV
3. Photography (if you know me, you know I always have a camera with me)

1. I heart Hip.. hip hop.. hip hop annonomus? I love Hip Hop music.. mostly for the beat. I can't understand the words, nor would I want to. "It's getting hot in heeerrrrrre." (wait is Nelly hip hop or rap?)
2. I have never been on the Terror Ride or Dracula's Castle ride at Lagoon.
3. I peed my pants in the 2ND grade. I had a fear of being in the bathroom and the fire alarm going off so I never used it at school. (Is it true what they say.. a fire alarm goes off a child pees their pants or is it an angel gets their wings?)


Mel said...

I can't believe I never made you ride the Tower of Terror or Dracula's Castle...what kind of friend am I? Misery, check, scary rides, no check...yet....

Melissa said...

Hip hop? Wow. Definitely a surprising fact. So you peed your pants in second grade. I pee my pants every second cough.

I'm so glad I get to add you to my running blog feed. Yeah!

Mindi said...

HIp hop? Serious? I never knew. By the way, the title of your last post...LOVE the sound of music!