Saturday, March 7, 2009

Home School Musical!

Saturday afternoon I had a girls day with my cute friends Melanie and Melissa along with Melanie's cute daughter Ashley.

We went to Desert Star Playhouse and saw their spoof Home School Musical. It was so funny, I almost peed my pants.. I mean.. I liked it better than Pirates of Penzance!

We laughed....

(This is after Melanie made her Tres Leches comment...)

until we cried, and pretty much had an all around good time. I am so glad we did this and had a lot of fun! Thanks girls!

Next.. bring on American FORK Idol!


Janessa said...

I love this last picture! It looks like you had a blast. When are you going to re-enact the singing scenes for me?

Mary Clark said...

it looks like alot of fun. i love watching those movies with bailee and Im sure the play was even better. You look so happy in these pictures

Stacy said...

It looks like you had so much fun! I'm sorry I missed it.

Sheryl said...

Tina!! Girl how are you! I linked here from your facebook...and guess what??? Small world, I too went to the play last Sat. But I went to the 7pm show. Napolian Dynamite made the show, didn't he?? He was great! Too bad I missed you!! That would have been AWESOME to see you!! :)