Thursday, November 5, 2009


Kaden was a cute Pirate.

Annika on the move, she would not sit still for the camera. She was Tinteer (Tinker) Bell

This was taken when all of them were dressed and everyone kept saying Ohh how cute! Tarah was Tinker Bell also.

This Halloween was a fun one. The week of Halloween, it was sick-ville at the house. My sister, Kaden & I ended up getting sick (swine flu, well other than Kaden) during the week of Halloween and I was hoping we would be better by the time Halloween rolled around so we could enjoy the festivities. Luckily we were. We were still coughing our brains out, but at least we could some-what function.

We went to my parents for Halloween. Had the usual chili and corn bread and then the kids went trick of treating around the neighborhood.

Grant it, Halloween is not as fun as it used to be, like when we were young. But it is fun seeing my nieces and nephew get excited about dressing up and catching on with what Halloween means.. WHICH IS TO GET MORE CANDY! :)

1 comment:

Janessa said...

Great pics! Holy cow. Where have I been in the blogger world. Darling!