Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Say Goodbye to Grandma..

As I was dropping my nephew off at "school" this afternoon, the teacher that met us at the door said....
"Say good-bye to your Grandma, Kaden". I must of had the look of 'I can't believe she just called me a grandma' on my face, because she responded, "It's Grandma, correct?" My response, 'No, I am actually his aunt'. "Oh, ok" and she walks away.

Ok, this was NOT a student, this was a woman in her mid 40's. I am not offended one bit, just more in shock. I know I had about 2 inches of re-growth. But, COME ON!!!! Grandma? Luckily I had an appointment just after dropping him off to get my roots done.


Janessa said...

Are you kidding me? "Here.... Hit WEEZER!" come's to mind. I can't believe she said that. Of course, you could think of all the lovely things about grandma's that she associated you with. 1. Kids love Grandma. 2. Grandma's are sweet and always smell like cookies... 3....

Melissa said...

Tina -- ya know I love you more than my luggage! Serious faux pas on behalf of the teacher. One thing she needs to learn is never assume. I once made the mistake of commenting on to a child about his "mom" and dad turning a parent conference -- he's turns to me and says, she's not my mom. She's just his girlfriend who he cheated on my mom with. Awkward!

Melissa said...

Okay, so I'd like to blame all the errors in the previous post on the fact that it's early and I haven't had any caffeine yet, but 8:45 isn't that early and I've already downed 24 oz. There is no excuse. Yes, I shape young minds. Blame the failures of public education on people like me.

Mindi said...

OMG!!!!! That is all I have to say. It did however provide me with a chuckle...and I mean the laugh out loud kind!!! So glad it was you and not me, I probably would not have been so pleasant about it. Good thing you are a "blue" heheheh.