Saturday, February 14, 2009

All the single ladies...

..and gents...Happy Single Awareness Day! I say this NOT out of jealousy for those of you who are reading this, that have a significant other to love. But, there is nothing like a holiday to let you know just how single you are. Again... this is not coming out of jealousy or bitterness... (my 10 cats will agree with me here*).

I will turn this into reflecting moment. (So it doesn't sound like I need to get out of the bitter barn and play in the hay.)

Valentine's Day, when you were younger, was so much fun. Making your valentine boxes to take to elementary school. A Payless shoe box, decorated in tin foil, construction paper and paper heart doilies.

Making sugar cookies with my brother and sisters and being able to decorate with icing, red hots and conversation hearts (the yellow ones are the best!) the HUGE cookie we would give to our

I miss the days of "door ditching", where you leave your Valentine on your friends doorstep ring the doorbell and run. I remember asking my aunt when her kids were younger if they were going to do that, and she had no idea what I was talking about. Was this just a White City thing?

Tonight I will probably get a pizza, curl up and watch a good, heart warming Hallmark movie.

Happy Valentine's or Happy Single Awareness Day to all!!
* disclosure - I do not own 1 cat let alone a plethora (would you say I have a plethora of pinatas?) of cats to equal 10.


Megan said...

tina you are so funny!! my parents use to do the doorbell thing for us too! maybe it was a sandy thing.. and making the boxes was always the best i remember we made a really cool one once with alladins jeni(not sure how to spell that)lamp!

Melissa said...

Yes, making homemade valentines and the cool box was a tradition. I definitely did my share of doorbell ditching on Valentine's Day and other days for that matter, they just weren't always altruistic in nature. Here's to the single girls! We'll have to compare notes on Hallmark movies.

Janessa said...

I love this, and couldn't agree with you more on the holiday. I am quite curious about the cat comment, though. Maybe I should buy you one for your birthday! You could start a collection or something.
As for the doorbell ditching... I didn't know that people didn't do that. They obviously missed out!

Shana said...

I remember Jason Bland hooking a valentine to a string and when we'd go to pick it up he'd pull on it. It's funny how fun V-day is when you are dating, but once you have kids..... Of course it's still nice to know you have a valentine, it's just not romantic.

Abelhouzen Family said...

door ditching is a total thing of the past or maybe my kids are still just to young. We have lived in our home 5 years now and not a one valentne and we have a good many of freinds in our ward and neighborhood. I guess tehy get enought through school that they don't do the door to door valentining anyb more so sad!