Saturday, February 28, 2009


Ever have one of those days where you just feel... off? No matter what you do or try to change your attitude all you want to do is mope, feel sorry for yourself or just burst into tears.

Today is one of those days.

Maybe it is because I am trying to survive on only 4 hours of sleep. Maybe I am trying to hard to think and say everything is ok. Or maybe it is because the elastic shot in my pantyhose (name that movie).

So why am I sitting her moping and blogging about it? Hmm that is a good question.

I think I will go out and enjoy the sun.


Mary Clark said...

is the moviw You've got Mail? Im sorry you are having a bad day!

Janessa said...

Pretty Woman! I've got a runner in my pantyhose! I'm not wearing pantyhose.

Stacy said...

Sorry you had a bad day. And I didn't even know it!