Friday, December 5, 2008

Burnt Toast

So I am sitting here at work and the fire alarm came on today. Panic to the heart was the first reaction, the second reaction or thought was someone must have pulled the alarm by mistake. 3rd thought oh I need to finish this before we are "not to panic and line up in a single file" I didn't want to lose my notes. (heaven for bid I have to re-type notes). 4th thought.. I need to go to the bathroom. (for those of you who didn't read one of my first 2 posts, since the 2nd grade I have been afraid of any type of fire alarm).
Managers go around to see what the problem is and report back that someones toast had burned in the toaster. After hearing this I immediately think of The Office episode where the "RYAN STARTED THE FIRE" and I start to sing it. .
Fire department did show up, flashing lights and the alarm going off every now and then. This made for a fun Friday. Now if I had a group to play deserted island with. ANY WHO... I had to blog about it, because to me, it was just too funny.
Another thought just came to mind... why didn't we form a single line and exit the building? Hmmm


Britt-n-Todd said...

Well I'm sure glad I was working at the salon this morning. Every time I smell burnt toast I think of driving to SLCC Redwood Campus in the mornings and smelling what I thought was burnt toast. I was alarmed and disgusted to find out that it was really the crematorium down the road. yeah, apparently burnt human flesh and toast smell the same...nast!

Theresa said...

I totally agree with the "why didn't we exit the building" question. Flashback to high school, growing up in California, we had earthquake drills ALL the time. High School Spanish class and lo and behold a real life earthquake. Did we exit the building? Get under our chairs? NOPE! The teacher told us to get back to work. It was not just a roller, it was a good size one. Crazy administration.

Tina said...

Ok so I am slightly slow and can't figure out how to post videos on this thing. *sigh*
Ok eww on the crematorium I will never look at toast the same. Also with the earthquake thing. Were you so scared? I surely would be.

Janessa said...

Thanks Brit, burnt toast brings on a whole new thought to my mind. I do, however, have to say that I can't stop laughing. I wish I knew who started the burnt toast fire. I would start singing like Dwight did on that office episode. So hysterical!

Janessa said...

Also... I forgot to mention. This is my favorite new picture of Dwight. BEET IT! So great. And hey, those pants are back in style again (although I'm sure anyone that lived through that era the first time wouldn't be caught dead in them).