Saturday, January 17, 2009

Slight Obsession

It is amazing what you find and come across when you move and start to unpack things. I am now the owner of 28 hair clips, endless supply of purse size tissues and lip gloss.
In one of my earlier posts I mentioned that I have a slight obsession with Bath & Body Works lip shine. Well, I didn't know how bad it was until I started going through handbags. The above picture is what I found in 4 handbags. 4!!!!! This doesn't count the 2 others I have at home in a drawer that haven't even been opened yet.

Now with the lip gloss.... could I possibly maybe pick another color? Well I guess not, because I have 3 of almost the same color of gloss.
Is there an LGAA (Lip Gloss Addicts Anonymous) that meets? Maybe I will start my own. Hello, my name is Tina and I am a lip gloss addict. Everyone together now.. Hello Tina.
PS- house pictures are coming soon. I promise!!


Theresa said...

I love my ones I got from Ulta. They are addicting.

Melissa said...

I was just reminiscing with a friend about lip gloss. Do your remember the kind that had the texture of Carmex but it was tinted and came in a tin box with a sliding lid. Oh, oh, and do you remember Kissing Potion? It was a big fat tube of gloss in flavors like tangerine, and strawberry. Good times.

Janessa said...

Friend, I am guilty of this obsession as well. Maybe instead of being in an LGAA meeting, you could start a club! I am glad to see that you still carry around the traditional old Carmex and I think that's even a Beeswax one with the label hidden. Too funny.

Janessa said...

Oh... And I love the new background! SO cute!

Britt-n-Todd said...

I have a funny lipgloss story. I too carry like 3-4 tubes at a time. though on really only use my natural ice chapstick. My neice Sydnee knows that I have LG a-plenty and she asked me where my purse was. I told her it was in the car, and i bet she could ask my aunt Kim if she could wear some of hers. She looked at me, and in the cutest little baby voice said " but i only like your lip gloss." Todd and I got a good chuckle.. she is going to be needing to join LGAA with us.. and she is only 3!!

Tracie Jo said...

I too have more lipglosses than I know what to do with. I think that I have every flavor under the sun. Emmie loves the LG too. She will sneak into Jamie's room and try on all her LG's (which are in a huge bowl on her vanity) and then come out all pretty. Jamie will need to buy all new stuff when she gets home as she will not have any left!