Friday, June 26, 2009

100th Post!! Woot! Woot!

Why am I cheering?! It's just another post.. I guess this is an accomplishment or something. Can't think of something SPECTACULAR to do.. so I will just do a re-post of my 100 Things About Me that I did at the beginning of my blog. (I have updated some things though)

1- I love and cherish my family.
2- I am a twin. (Brother, no we are not identical. Yes, I have been asked that before.)
3- I am addicted to Facebook.
4- Fall is my favorite time of year.
5- I love naps.
6- Stupid people annoy me.
7- I can quote a movie, Friends or The Office, in any conversation.
8- I always have my camera with me.
9- The iPod is the best invention ever.
10- I have a photographic memory. (but with my old age, it is slightly failing).
11- I have not read the Harry Potter books.
12- S'mores are good. (hee hee)
13- I drove across the US with a friend and her new car in 3 days.
14- on that note... I think Kansas is a really boring state.
15- My room is always a mess.
16- No one cries alone in my presence.
17- I am addicted to Diet Coke. (although I CAN say I quit for 30 days)
18- I love soft serve twist ice cream.
19- I am terrified of the dentist.
20- I love cherry lemonade from Hot Dog on a Stick. (a must get while at the mall)
21- I am allergic to gold.
22- I listen to Christmas music year round.
23- My friends are very dear to me.
24- I love to people watch.
25- I enjoy hugs and kisses from my nephew and nieces.
26- I do not like being hot, hence fall being my favorite time of year.
27- I've been to the Utah Shakespearean Festival. (what happened to his arm?)
28- I enjoy all types of music (except for rap.. hip hop is NOT rap.)
29- I do not enjoy horror movies.
30- I don't know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop.
31- I love the smell of rain.
32- I am an extremely shy person, and come off as being a snob.
33- I am not a snob.
34- Popcorn, junior mints and a diet coke = the best movie treat.
35- Dry feet on carpet gives me the heebs.
36- I love romantic comedies.
37- I think Ralph Wiggum, off The Simpsons, is hilarious.
38- I don't like cheese off the block, unless it is on something. (ie crackers, pizza etc)
39- Cereal, to me, is a comfort food.
40- I love the smell of fabric softener.
41- I've never broken a bone. (knock on wood)
42- I panic when I don't know my surroundings.
43- I don't like being lost. (San Diego did a number on me, still after how many years?)
44- I love to see the Temple.
45- I like swedish fish, but only the red ones.
46- I don't like seafood, at all.
47- I love pebble ice.
48- I love the smell of the lake in the morning.
49- I am a HUGE Suzy's Zoo fan.
50- I want to see New York at Christmas.
51- I want to see New York in the fall.
52- I have 2 speeds, fast and faster.
53- I have never had a speeding ticket. (knock on wood)
54- I will drive slower to annoy tailgaters.
55- I love Les Miserables, London cast.
56- I love banana Slurpee's.
57- I am love music.
58- I dance when no one is watching.
59- I suggest, nacho cheese Doritos & cottage cheese, give it a whirl.
60- I want to visit all 50 states.
61- I don't like contention.
62- Mild salsa burns my tongue.
63- I have seen the Monkees in person and in concert.
64- Welcome Home is my favorite Salt City candle.
65- Pumpkin Spice is my 2nd favorite.
66- I was 20 when my hair turned completely gray.
67- I can't sleep with a light on.
68- I love peanut M&M's.
69- Almond & Mint are tied for 2nd.
70- I have an obsession with lip gloss from Bath & Body Works.
71- I think chocolate is the "cure-all".
72- I love pedicures.
73- The feel of cotton balls gives me the chills.
74- I have to wet cotton swabs before putting them in my ears.
75- I have a fear of dying alone.
76- I have a 2 watch rule. I will watch a movie twice before saying I hated it.
77- I want to travel Europe.
78- I should take a class on organization.
79- I am a pack rat.
80- I had a crush on Greg Louganis. (skipped school to see him at Trolley Square)
81- I am a High School Musical fan. (so?!)
82- A sunset can make me cry. (See, I am called Tissue Tina for a reason.)
83- I can make a mean homemade oreo.
84- I sometimes think WAY too much.
85- I like to travel.
86- I love to get lost in a book.
87- I still get excited Christmas morning.
88- I dislike the sound and feel of Styrofoam.
89- I love daisies.
90- I watch 'A Christmas Story' every Christmas Eve.
91- I gave a girl in elementary school a bloody nose for telling a boy I liked him.
92- I love Jack Handey quotes. (Laurie got offended when I used the word puke. But to me that is what her dinner tasted like).
93- I miss my grandpa's & grandma.
94- I am a perfectionist. If it doesn't look right, I will re-do the entire thing. (my room is the exception to this.
95- I am a very competitive person and hate to lose.
96- I have too many favorite movies to pick 1 favorite.
97- I love dipping my fries in ice cream, preferably a frosty.
98- I believe in Santa Claus
99- I am a child of God.
100- and last but not least... I am grateful to have the gospel in my life.

1 comment:

Janessa said...

YAY for 100! I love to read through these. They remind me of how much we have in common with each other.