Thursday, June 25, 2009

In the words of...

Stephanie Tanner:
Do people NOT realize there are un-written rules in driving?
Here is an example of what I experienced today.
I was leaving a parking lot and wanting to turn left but traffic is backed up. What is the unspoken "rule"? You leave enough space where the driver is TRYING to turn left so they can. Am I correct or incorrect? Kind of like the un-written rule in the Sonic Drive In. If there are more than 2 empty stalls Ya don't park next to car when there is an open space between them. You take the next stall. Car, empty stall, car.
Is it that hard? My sources (although not always correct) say YA MAKE ROOM! Did this happen today? Oh no. So had the opportunity to sit there whilst the moron NOT making room didn't make eye contact with me. Yes, I do that too if I have done something incorrectly.. but eww.. the daggers I was sending her way. :)

1 comment:

Janessa said...

Maybe we could install one of those megaphone things on your car that you can use through a CB? Then you could voice your opinion to the rude drivers. (better yet, we could video tape the whole thing)