Sunday, June 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Bean!

It was my nieces birthday the other day. She is a teenager! I can hardly believe it.
We had a fun day of bowling, eating bowling alley fries, sweating in bowling shoes (I really shouldn't have thought or said that.. now I am kinda grossed out) were given a few pointers/comments from my dad about just how GREAT we did bowl (I bowled a 78 with a total score of 138 for both games. Just sayin') and then headed to my sisters for taco bar and birthday cake. It was a fun day!

Hmmm now if I take Grandpa's advice and curve the ball I could possibly get a strike.

Ahhh she was soo cuddly!!! (but she also didn't feel good.. but I will take what I can get)

1 comment:

Stacy said...

It was a fun day. I haven't bowled in forever. I love that your post is complete with the "Score Tonight" from Grease 2.