Saturday, June 13, 2009

Stupid Brain

What is it about our brains that triggers a memory at the sight of something? I know.. I know.. "it's just how the mind works". I understand.. but with what happened the other day turned into reflecting on how EMBARRASSING I was "back in the day".

I pulled into the local parking lot of Target (curse you wonderful store). What do I see out of the corner of my eye?!?! A vehicle that one of my first crushes drove. After seeing the car, it first drove fear into heart, (holy moly could that be his car?!) which in turn made me turn a bright lovely shade of red from the memories of how I acted around him as well as ALL of the drive by's I did with my friends (which in this day could be known as stalking) and the realization/embarrassment that.... for the love.. like it really would still be his car.

As I collected my nerves and my fingers stopped shaking, I did my normal shopping but believe me.. I did look out the corner of my eye every now and then in hopes NOT to run into him (again.. this is circa 1991... like it REALLY would STILL be his car).

Curse you Ford Escort and brain. I am a moron.

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