Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 13 - Suzy's Zoo

I have liked.. no make that LOVED, Suzy's Zoo since I was in elementary school. I think these characters are just so cute and they bring a smile to my face! The words.. ooohhhh sooo cuuuute usually pops in my head and yes, sometimes is said out-loud (say it... out loud.. say it... vamp... Suzy's Zoo) when I see them.

I know most of you have received some type of note or card, whether that be birthday or most likely Christmas or something written on a post-it note. I get a calendar every year.. so each month I can say.. ooooohhh cuuuuuutte!

I hear you can take a tour of their building in San Diego. Hmmmm I think I need to add that to my Bucket List.

1 comment:

Janessa said...

This is SO you! Whenever I think of Suzy's Zoo... you are definitely the person that comes to mind.