Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day 28 - Books!

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. ~Charles W. Eliot

Now I don't have a picture of my current bookcase (partly because it is STILL not put together and I still have books in boxes).

I love a good book. I have a lot of favorites so I am not going to pin point it to certain type. But I love getting lost in a book. If I like the book or series, I will read them over and over.

I would love to have a library in my house one day. If you have any suggestions on any good reads.. PLEASE send them my way!


Tracie Jo said... a good book. My book case in my room is over flowing with great reads as well as about 10 boxes downstairs. Thinking back if I wouldn't have spent half as much on my book and DVD collection I would be a rich woman. Also...I am reading this series right now that I am actually enjoying. They are by Scott Westerfield and they are called Uglies, Pretties, Specials and Extras. Each book is a separate book. They are different than I thought, but still I am liking them!

Mindi said...

Do you really want me to unload a list of books? YOu know I could go on and on forever on fantastic reads! Where would we be without books? I know I would be crazy, it is my daily dose of sanity during nap time. :)

Janessa said...

One word for you.... Shelfari. Love it.